Save Your Marriage Podcast

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Is It Too Toxic??
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When is a marriage too toxic to save?You probably know that I’m on the side of your marriage.  I’m all about saving a marriage.

But does that mean that EVERY marriage will be saved, or even should be saved?


First, there are times when BOTH people want to leave the marriage.  At that point, there is nothing that WILL save the marriage.  There has to be energy from AT LEAST one person, in order for anything to change.

Second, there are times when the toxicity level is high, creating a toxic situation for the spouses.  In fact, there are 3 times when it MAY be too toxic.  And there is 1 time when it absolutely too toxic to work on the marriage.

Let me tell you 5 symptoms of elevated toxicity, 3 times you may need to step back, and 1 time you definitely need to step back from the marriage.

Domestic Violence Help
Anger & Resentment
Issues And Marriages

Save The Marriage System

Why “Limbo” is a Lie
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you feeling like you are stuck in limbo?Do you feel like you are stuck in limbo?  That crazy spot where you can’t move forward, but aren’t ending things?  Is it a spouse who has you stuck there?

Well, that was the situation for “J.”  He wrote me because his spouse could not decide on whether to stay or go, work on things or walk away.

He told me he was stuck in Limbo, didn’t know what to do, and didn’t know how to get his spouse to work on the relationship.

What should he do??

I respond to J’s question in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  And it may just be where you find yourself, too.  Not able to move forward, but not ready to walk away.

How do you deal with “Limbo”?  We discuss it.  Listen below.

3 C’s of Saving Your Marriage
3 A’s in Your Control
3 Levels of Connection
Save The Marriage System

Midlife Marriage Crisis and Connecting
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Dealing with a midlife marriage crisis, even when complicated by an affair.Mid Life Crisis… the butt of many jokes.  And a crisis for many marriages!  I have seen several studies that challenged whether there is such a thing as a mid life crisis.  I don’t find many of my therapist or coach friends wondering that.  We see it every day.

And I see the strain a MLC can place on an already-hurting marriage.  If the marriage is disconnected already, a MLC turns into a MLMC (mid life marriage crisis).  Which often leads to compounding issues, like an affair.

What can you do, if your spouse is having a mid life crisis?  And what if it is complicated by an affair?

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I discuss what a MLC is, when it can become a MLMC, and what to do in response.  Even if there is an affair.

(Why this episode?  Because a listener asked.  If you have a question — a Goldilocks question, as I discuss in the episode — you can send it here.)


Mid Life Crisis Series
Why Connection is So Important
The Pause Button
Dealing with Affairs
My Book:  Recovering from the Affair
My Program:  Save The Marriage

Stuck in Questioning??
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you stuck in Questioning your relationship?  About whether it is really love, if you married the right person… or other questions?  Listen in as we explore being stuck in questioning.Are you stuck questioning whether your spouse is the RIGHT spouse, whether your love is REAL, whether there is someone ELSE, or maybe your spouse is being unfaithful?

That is often very normal.

To a degree.

It is entirely normal for people in regular, normal, healthy relationships to have questions that just pop up from time-to-time.  That is just what our brain does.  It tosses out “bait” of thoughts, to see which ones you bite on (which just sets the hook) and which ones pass.  Which ones you LET pass.

And there are times, when a relationship is toxic, that you have those thoughts because your mind is trying to get your attention — to get you to ACT.

And then, there is a third category.  When those thoughts become obsessive.  When they keep you stuck.  There are some clinicians that refer to this as ROCD — Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

The problem is, those 3 points can be, ummmm… less than clear.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I answer a listener’s question as a way of jumping into thinking about thoughts.  When does it matter and what can you do about it?

Listen below.

Thinking about Thoughts
Relying on Commitment
Save The Marriage System
My Books

Mistakes Were Made (Now What?)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When you make mistakes in your marriage or trying to save your marriage, what do you do?I don’t know about you, but I just don’t do things perfectly.  I make mistakes.

Okay, I’ll admit it:  I DO know about you.  You make mistakes, too.  And how do I know??

We ALL make mistakes!  Especially when we are doing things that are tough, important, and stressful.  And when we don’t know what we are doing, anyway.

And I’m pretty sure that saving your marriage is tough, important, and stressful.  Oh, and if you are like most people, you don’t really know what you are doing (if you did, you wouldn’t be here — on this page or with a struggling relationship).

So let’s just assume that you have made some mistakes.  On this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, we talk about what to do.  I cover questions from two T’s.  Different questions, it would seem.  But at their core, they are very similar.  So, I give some info that applies to each situation, and then we dive into what to do when mistakes are made.

And they WILL be made!

Listen to the episode below.

What NOT To Do
The 4 C’s
Why Things Aren’t Turning Around
Staying In It When You Feel Like Quitting
Save The Marriage System
VIP (If you have the System)

Hot & Cold
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is your relationship running hot and cold, close and distant, off and on?  It can throw you off.  But if you understand what is going on, you can move forward and work on saving your marriage.Hot and cold.  That is often what I hear people describe.  About their spouses.  One minute/hour/day/week, there is warmth and connection… things seem to be improving.  And in the next minute/hour/day/week, the cold returns.  Distance and dread return.  Are things going south?  Is this the time when things don’t turn around?

And then… the pattern repeats again.

It can through you off your efforts, discourage you, even tempting you to give up.

So, what is that all about, anyway?

“M” is in this very situation.  She wants to understand it, so she knows how to respond (not react, but respond).  It may be YOUR question, too.  Especially if your spouse did what M’s spouse did:  Gave the “ILYBNILWY” speech (“I Love You But Not In Love With You”)

I explain what is going on here, and what to do about it.  Listen below.

Confusion or Connection
3 C’s
4th C
Don’t React
Save The Marriage System
My Books

When to Talk?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When things are improving, when is it time to talk about the issues in your marriage?You’ve taken steps to save your marriage.  And it seems to be working!  Things are improving.  The ice is melting.  Perhaps you are treating each other better, maybe even laughing here and there.

And perhaps YOU took some big step — like writing the apology letter the way that I recommend.  But you also know that when to talk — when to address the issues — is a big concern.  If you ask too soon, do you risk a setback?

A podcast listener recently sent in a question about that.  Her anxiety has been building about their progress.  She can see the signs.  But what about that “elephant in the room?”  Is it time to address it?

In this episode of the podcast, I respond to “S” to bring some clarity to the question, “When to Talk?”

You can listen below.

Save The Marriage System
My Books
What NOT to Do
The Importance of an Apology

Taking Back the Hurt
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

We all do it.  We say something in the heat of the moment… and feelings get hurt.

Sometimes, though, that can be the “last straw,” that final tap over the edge that leads to crisis.  For a listener of my podcast, “R,” that is what happened. He wrote me, asking, “how could I take back the strong/attacking/hurtful words I said to my wife.”

I answer him in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

But before I answer that specific question, I go into some dangers of separation (they ended up in an “in-house” separation).  And I pull apart the myth of “work on myself OR work on the relationship.”

As is often the case when I respond to an email question, this doesn’t just apply to R.  It may very well apply to YOU!

(Oh, and by the way, if you have the “Goldilocks question” — not too broad, not too specific, but just right — send me your question for possible answers in future podcast episodes. I tell you how in the podcast episode.)

You can listen to the episode below.

Working on Yourself
Dealing with Separation
Save The Marriage System

Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your Spouse
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What do you do when your spouse has limiting beliefs -- can't see the possibilities of things changing? When they believe that things can't get better. Therefore, they aren't willing to try. What do you to then?We all have limiting beliefs.  You… me… and your spouse!  I always work to change my limiting beliefs.  You are probably doing the same.  But you can’t just change your spouse’s limiting beliefs!

What is a limiting belief?  It is a mostly-FALSE belief.  But more than that, it is one that keeps you stuck… unable to see bigger possibilities.  Potentials for change.

Mostly, limiting beliefs are about what CAN’T happen, what is NOT possible.

Even when there are possibilities.

Even when things CAN change.

If someone can’t see a way to move forward, they are unlikely to be willing to try to move forward.  So, they stay stuck.  And if it is a spouse who can’t see forward on saving your marriage, it can keep YOU stuck, too!

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I respond to JJ’s question about how to deal with her spouse’s belief that “if a marriage was meant to be, it would be easy.”  I also address several other false/limiting beliefs… and what to do about them.

Listen in below.

Survival Series
What Happy Couples Know
Showing Up
Save The Marriage System

(Have a question you want answered on a future podcast?  EMAIL ME HERE — let me know if you want me to use a pseudonym!  Make sure the question is one that can help others.  I’ll try to answer!)