Posts Tagged :

how to save my marriage

What Went Wrong?? – Back2Basics Series
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What went wrong with your marriage?  Tune in to this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast for clarity on how your marriage got into trouble... and how to get it back .It can get so overwhelming, all the information coming at you!  What you want is to save your marriage.  But you are probably already overwhelmed with the situation… much less, getting help for your situation!

Sometimes, it is just time to “get back to basics.”  This B2B series is my attempt to take it down to simplicity… what happened, why did it happen, and what do you do?

In this episode of the podcast (listen below), we take a look at what happened:  how your marriage got into trouble, how your relationship got disconnected, and how your marriage slid into crisis.

Since we don’t get much help in understanding what marriage is about (much less, how to be married), it shouldn’t be a surprise that marriages DO get into trouble.  The question is, when you find you are in a crisis, what do you do to get yourself and your marriage to a better place?

And so, we start with what went wrong.  Discover how a marriage stalls, why it starts falling, and how it ends up in a nosedive.

Listen to the episode below.

Book:  Marriage Fail Point
Step-by-Step System:  Save The Marriage System
Connection and Disconnection
Being a WE

3 Turning Points of Saving Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

3 Turning Points in saving your marriage.Many times, people contact me to tell me that their marriage is… well… continuing to spiral down, in spite of their efforts.

Over the years, I have noted some “turning points,” when things often start turning around.  And I want to share 3 of these turning points with you.

Here is the good news:  all 3 turning points I note are 100% within your control.  Yes, there are other events and actions that can also turn things (or at least, start turning things).  It is not JUST these 3 turning points.  There are others.

But these turning points I chose to highlight are ones you can choose at any time and at any point.

To be clear, just because you make a change, that does not guarantee that things WILL turn around.  (I would be able to retire, if that were the case.)  It’s just that these actions often are the turning points in the effort to save your marriage.

Will making the 3 turns guarantee a saved marriage?  No.  But they may just make a shift.  Playing the odds, doesn’t it make sense to give the 3 turning points a chance for change?

Listen to the podcast episode below for the 3 Turning Points.

Chasing Won’t Work
Show Up
Will YOUR Marriage Be Saved?

Your Fail Point
Marriage Fail Points Book
Save The Marriage System

Your New Year Renewal Plan
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Your New Year Renewal PlanIt’s just around the corner… just days away.  The end of this year and the beginning of a New Year.

A new beginning.  A fresh start.

A renewal of your efforts to save your marriage.

Many times, as time wears on, when an effort wears on… we tend to drift.  Sometimes, we know it.  Other times, it just creeps up on us.  We think we are following a plan… but we aren’t.

This is a great time to take a quick step back, then take a strong step forward.  It is a time to renew your approach, your clarity, and your determination.

On this week’s podcast episode, I cover 4 areas of renewal.  When put together, you will be off to a great start into the New Year, renewed and recommitted to your efforts to save and improve your marriage.

Listen below for more on these 4 key areas of renewal.

Show Up
You Need A Plan
Expectations and Marriage
What You CAN Control
Save The Marriage  System
Book:  How To Save Your Marriage in 3 Simple Steps

What Happy Couples Do Differently – Series
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Every marriage has problems.  Every single one.

But about 50% figure out a way to stay together, even when there are problems.

And then there are those happy couples.  The ones who have it dialed in, figured out, and are happy.

Here’s the thing:  success always leaves a trail.  If you want to move to that place, to have a marriage that is happy and rewarding, you can learn for those that made it.

In the What Happy Couples Do Differently series, I discuss 11 things that happy couples know and do differently.

Listen to the episodes below to follow the trail to a happy marriage:

What Happy Couples Do Differently About Conflict

What Happy Couples Do Differently About Connection

What Happy Couples Do Differently About Companionship

If you are ready to make a shift and become a happy couple, too, it is time to grab my Save The Marriage System.  Discover what happened, how to shift, and how to build a marriage you BOTH will treasure and protect.  Become a Happy Couple!


When Your Spouse Wants To TALK
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When your spouse wants to talk. What do you do?“We need to talk,” is the start-up of many conversations with a spouse in marital strife.  Those words can strike fear and dread into you.  What if things turn south?  How do you respond?  What do you do?

If you are following my System, you know that I have a number of “Don’t Do’s” that can keep you out of trouble.  This is my list of thing NOT to do.

And one biggie is Don’t Talk About The Relationship.  What I mean by that is YOU should not have THE “Relationship Talk.”  You know… the one that you have rehearsed in your head… the one where your spouse will “see the light” and return to the marriage — given your full list of reasons and emotions.

Except… that is not what happens.  Your spouse is not reading off of the script you have in your head.  And so, the talk goes south.

So, what do you do, then, if you are committed to not having the “relationship talk,” and your spouse is wanting to talk about the relationship?

I’m here to help!  In this week’s podcast episode, I cover this question.  I tell you why your spouse wanting to talk about your marriage is NOT the same as my rule about not having that Relationship Talk.  And I share why avoiding your spouse’s desire to talk is actually a problem.  Perhaps a BIG problem.

So, how do you have that talk and make it work FOR your relationship?  Listen to the episode for help on how to talk about the relationship when your spouse wants to, without having THE “Relationship Talk.”

Connection versus Confusion
Communication is Not the Issue
Relationship Talks
Save The Marriage System

Dealing With Naysayers
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Dealing with naysayers and negative people when you are working to save your marriage.You’ve decided to try and save your marriage (good for you!).  But whenever you talk with family, friends, or even some professionals, they tell you to give up and walk away.

How do you keep from getting derailed by the negativity?

First, let’s be clear that they are probably well-meaning and want to be helpful.  Second, let’s be clear that many people truly believe that a broken marriage is, well, permanently broken.

After all, much of the world has never seen another option.  Many people (even professionals) do not know there is an alternative.  So, they are speaking from their knowledge and experience.

Which does not mean they are right.  Only that they are speaking from their viewpoint.

Consider the reasons behind the “advice” you are getting.  And consider your own reasons for seeking the advice.  Then, decide what you are going to do with that advice.  Does it really need to derail you?  Nope.

Let me give you some suggestions for dealing with Naysayers in this week’s podcast below.

Healing Your Resentments
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Healing your own resentments.Resentments are the deep infections of anger.  When anger is unresolved, it becomes a systemic poison.  But do remember that anger is really a result of hurt and fear/threat.  It just comes out as anger.

When the hurt goes unaddressed and the anger festers, it becomes resentment.  Resentment then spreads into more and more areas of relating.  It pulls the relationship down, weakening the connection and destroying good feelings.

Your spouse may have lots of resentment toward you.  We will be covering that next week.  But we always start with ourselves.  What about YOUR resentments?  How do you heal YOUR resentments?

If you don’t start there, you won’t be effective in addressing your spouse’s resentments.

Join me for this week’s podcast, as we discuss healing your resentments. . .

4 Mind Modes Killing Your Marriage
3 Relationship Killers (And 3 Nurturers)
Save The Marriage System (Including Anger/Resentment Module)

Gratitude In The Midst Of Crisis
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to find gratitude in the midst of crisis, marriage or otherwise.Here we are, right at Thanksgiving Day in the United States.  The day we are supposed to be filled with gratitude, feeling thankful for those around us.

Which may feel like a tall order if your marriage is in the middle of a crisis (or if you are in any sort of crisis for that matter!).  What, gratitude when life stinks?


In fact, gratitude is even MORE important when we are in the midst of a crisis.  Yes, it is important every day.  But when your life is upside-down, gratitude can help you get it rightside-up.

Is it easy?


Is it important?

Yep.  So, let’s talk about finding gratitude (not just having gratitude, but finding it) in the midst of a crisis.

Need more on being thankful and feeling gratitude?  Listen here and here.

5 Roadblocks to Communication (and How To Break Through)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

5 roadblocks to loving and effective communication.Is communication an issue between you and your spouse?  Do you find loving and effective communication lacking from your relationship?

In this week’s free audio podcast training, we discuss 5 roadblocks to loving and effective communication.  One of my top Relationship Coaches, Annette Carpien, joins me to share her thoughts on the roadblocks.

And yes, we do discuss how to get past the roadblocks.  We give you tools and understandings for how to smash through the roadblocks to create loving and effective communication with your spouse.

If you find the training helpful and would like to contact Annette, just CLICK HERE.

(And here is a bonus training on Communication for you.)

Save Your Marriage Rule #10: Work On Yourself
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Save your marriage by looking in the mirror.Really, saving a marriage is a two-pronged process.

One is reconnecting the marriage.  We have spent a good bit of time talking about the rules of working on your relationship.  So let’s move to the second level.

Because the second prong of the process is working on and improving yourself.

At this point, you are saying one of two things to yourself.  You may be saying “absolutely, I need to make some changes!”

But more likely, you are thinking “why should I have to change?  What about my spouse?  Why doesn’t my spouse have to change?”

That is a fair question.  Just not helpful.  Would it be great if BOTH you and your spouse changes yourself?  Absolutely.

But you are the one that is here.  You are the one looking for help on how to save your relationship.

At a deeper level, though, a response that is about “why do I have to change?” also notes why we don’t change.  We are keeping score, looking at what the other needs to  do.

For myself, I am quick to acknowledge that there are always some areas I could improve.  There are always areas of growth and development.  In fact, some days, I am constantly tripping over the multitude of things I need to change about myself!

Part of what I see as the task of life is to always be growning and developing.  We ALL have places where we fall short.

So, just for a moment, if you are objecting to you having to change, let’s just set that aside.  Instead, see this as an opportunity to grow, to be a better person.

Which raises the question of why I think this is so important.

First, I have already stated my bias that life is about growth and development.  As Ray Kroc said, “you are either green and growing or ripe and rotting.”  I love that quote!

But second, in terms of the relationship, being a growing, changing, developing person is attractive.  Being stale and stagnant is, well, repulsive.

And in the process of moving from wherever your relationship is to having a deep and satisfying relationship, my guess is that one element that needs to shift is that attraction.  We all want our spouse to have that “in love” feeling toward us.  That is based, in part, on being attractive (not necessarily physically).

Time to head for the mirror!  Time to take a deep and long look into that mirror and ask “who do I need to become?”

One wrong answer:  “whatever my spouse wants me to be.”

Right answer:  “wow!  I know I need to address these areas in order to be a better person!”

In my System, I discuss boundaries.  Boundaries are ways you protect yourself.  A boundary is what you will not let someone else do to you, your marriage, or your family.

But there is a closely related term:  Standards.  Personal standards.

A standard is what you expect of yourself — the standard you hold.

For example, a standard may be “I am honest with everyone in all of my dealings.”

The space between where you are now and what your standard is, well that is your area of growth.

So, let’s start there.  What do you expect of yourself, but don’t currently measure up:
How you treat other people.
How you treat your own body.
How you interact with the world.
The attitude that you take toward life.
etc., etc., etc.

Then ask this: “what do I hear from my spouse/kids/friends on how I act that upsets them?”

Years ago, my sister-in-law (who was my brother’s girlfriend at that time) made an off-handed comment about my sarcastic sense of humor.  It was pointed and edgy.

I realized I did not want that to be my image.  I set out to change that.

My family will tell you, I can still be sarcastic/ironic/cynical for humor.  But it is nothing like it used to be!  And when I notice I am moving in that direction again (usually because I notice I hurt someone’s feelings), I know it is time for a mid-stream readjustment.

What areas do you hear from others where you need to change?

By now, if you are honest with yourself, you have the targets.  That is the starting point.

Time to work on those issues.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew, but start working on being the person you want to be.  Resist seeing it as all-or-nothing.  It is about growth.  Accept you will make mistakes and fall back into old patterns.

But over time, you will see that you are growing.  You are becoming who you need to be.  And guess what?  Those around you will see it, too.

Which brings us to a final point:  Do not TELL people how you have changed.  Don’t try to get them to see it.  Simply BE the change.  Let them experience you differently.  Let them discover you are different.  Then, they will know it is legitimate.

That’s it!  Those are the Top 10 Rules For Saving Your Marriage.  Are you ready to take the next step and really get going?  I invite you to grab my information by CLICKING HERE.